Monday, February 6, 2012

Funny things Finley has done lately:

~She doesn't call me Mom or Ry Dad anymore, its babe or honey
~She is very clever, Ryan bought candy and she asked for one, so he said just one and handed it to her in her right hand and she opened her left hand and said just one, for her left hand!
~She has been going poop in the toilet for about 5 months now and so we got her pull ups and she has been doing so good, I am going to try real panties tomorrow.
~We were watching a movie and Ry walked out of the room, so instead of having to recap all he missed I pushed pause, Finley threw her arms out say, "oh come on, the movie," So funny!
~This may be TMI but oh well, Ry had gas the other day, and he came laughing down the stairs, really busting up and he says this to me. " Finley just smelled her first fart!" She usually just laughs and yells daddy fart ew gross. But this time she smelled it for real, she was not impressed, grabbed her nose and would not let go!!
~She also says "Hey dude" for everything
~She gives doggie loves where she just rubs her head and face against our head and face, or Kitty loves where she takes her hands and caresses you like a cat does with its paws.
~The other day she threw her hands behind her back and started jumping up and down yelling piggy piggy, and then hunched over and jumped up and yelled giraffe giraffe!

I seriously love this girl so much. So many things that we haven't written down are lost now but these are just a few hilarious things that we want to remember for when she starts dating!!

1 comment:

Giblette's said...

She is one funny girl! It's so surprising that Sophie does some of the same things...makes me laugh even harder.

About Us

Ryan and I had a celebration on August 8, 2008!! Married, another celebration on June 14 2009 when we welcomed Finley Hoyt Johnson into the world...and then the greatest celebration when we were sealed in the Manti Temple as a family eternal on October 8, 2009!! We are living each moment happy as ever in Utah. Ryan works for a mortgage company and I work as a care tech, and Finley is just growing growing growing!