Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oregon...a little late

These pictures are a little out of order but.... When we moved back we had a week before Ry started his new job so we decided that we would go to The Dalls, Ryan's home town. We drove to Boise and stayed with his sister Lindsey and then drove the other half. It was so nice to break up the trip so that Finley didn't absolutely had the car!! While we were in Oregon we went to all the local joints that Ryan loved....Burgerville being one of them, delicious shakes! We went to go on the hikes that I have heard so much about but the day we decide to go its rainy and just cold weather....and us being just barely from AZ thought everywhere was just going to be warm... no jackets or long pants for us ha ha!! Luckily the fam had packed extra. We went to two water falls and they were beautiful, walked up this little path to this bridge (the pictures are below)! And then for the deer hunt (picture above), Ryan's parents have this beautiful yard with all these flowers and grass and tree's, but they also have deer that come into their wonderful yard and eat and trample all their plants.... Jim (Ry's dad) tried to put some spray to repel them, didn't work, so Ry's bright idea get a little BB gun just to scare them away. They kept watch for the deer, and then would jump the fence to scare them off. Well when the deer were gone then it was target practice!! The trip was so wonderful... I am so glad I got to see his home town finally!! It was really a gorgeous place so green right by the Columbia! Thanks for hosting us Jim and Robbie and Lindsey and Jed!
Fin loved this cat! but one of them had poison oak so she had to love it through the glass!
At the first waterfall!
Mommy and Fin. I was prepared to do the hike and Ry had said that you have to walk through a little creek so I had my swim suit on! To bad it was like freezing!!
Daddy and Finley's belly!!!
Right after this picture we all had to run to the gift shop cause a down pour happened! Huge freezing drops of rain!

We are the people in the with our arms out! we got really wet on that bridge
Gpa Jim and Fin under the water fall
We went the scenic route home and we got to this lookout point, isn't it just beautiful!
Running to get at the deer
Don't worry the safety is on...I think!

Family Picture
Ry's first day of work, how handsome!! I really love love love my HUBBY
Driving back from Oregon!
Jim and Ry looking to see how they did wit their target practice!

I know that I am like 2 months late but I am trying to catch up on everything, we've been really busy! And ps I love !!!! after everything I say I put a few!!!!! So excited

1 comment:

Kimberlee said...

Wow! Oregon looks amazing, and Finley is so dang cute!

About Us

Ryan and I had a celebration on August 8, 2008!! Married, another celebration on June 14 2009 when we welcomed Finley Hoyt Johnson into the world...and then the greatest celebration when we were sealed in the Manti Temple as a family eternal on October 8, 2009!! We are living each moment happy as ever in Utah. Ryan works for a mortgage company and I work as a care tech, and Finley is just growing growing growing!