Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One year and seven months...

Ryan and I started trying to get pregnant a year and a half ago... It has been so hard. I have been to three doctors, two that have just prescribed fertility drugs and sent me on my way, but this last one has given me such hope, Dr. Lundell. He was the first Dr to really let me know what was going on with my body. I was diagnosed with Polysytic Ovarian Disease, I wasn't sad about this news, its weird but that news was almost a relief to me. For once I just felt like I wasn't broken or a disappointment. I have never even had a Dr hint that I might have this, my sister has it, but I had just become pregnant with Finley so I just thought that I was a failure not that I had a condition that would make it more difficult to conceive. I am happy today, I have hope that maybe after my body gets all leveled out that I may be able to have the blessing of another child!!! I am so grateful to Dr. Lundell and to my mom who really kept pushing me to call and get an appointment!!! We have a long road a head of us but at least I know more about what is going on with my body than I did before!


The Stanworths said...

Little lace I am so happy you went to Lundel I hear he is AMAZING!!!!!! Sometimes we just need to remember that the people in our life do have great Ideas!!! Thank goodness for them!!!! Without Ronda and Carrie I could have had a very bad thing happen to me in last two weeks... I just had an Ectopic pregnancy and without them pushing me I could possibly not be here today, I now go to an Ob-gyn in Cedar City, Dr Heath is AWESOME and knew that I had an Ectopic Pregnancy just by looking at my HCG lvl and even though I had never been to him before or even stepped foot in his office he stayed after hours and saw me the same day I called his office and in my eyes saved my life. Love you Lacey and I’m sending you prayers for your body to level out so you guys can get your blessing!

Kimberlee said...

Good luck, Lacey! I hear POC is a very common problem (Nikki and I both have it too). I'm sure you will be able to regulate your body and have another baby. Congrats on the hopeful news!

About Us

Ryan and I had a celebration on August 8, 2008!! Married, another celebration on June 14 2009 when we welcomed Finley Hoyt Johnson into the world...and then the greatest celebration when we were sealed in the Manti Temple as a family eternal on October 8, 2009!! We are living each moment happy as ever in Utah. Ryan works for a mortgage company and I work as a care tech, and Finley is just growing growing growing!